As America acclimates to marriage equality, the sudden change has caused some right-wing religious groups to seemingly lose any grasp on rationality. Enter “REAL MARRIAGE:...
It’s the video that’s been circulating the Internet in recent days. “I’d like you to put your phone away, please,” says Rowan County (Ky.) Clerk...
Huckabee claims we need to "reject the lost vision of secularism".
Bobby Jindal’s political ambitions are vastly outstripping reality. Louisiana’s Republican governor is determined to make a bid for the White House in 2016, but if...
Gov. Brownback ensures religious individuals or groups can deny marriage to same-sex couples without fear of repercussion
It's the only county in the state to refuse to issue licenses to gay couples
As LGBT advocates, allies and everyday gay folks are celebrating the Supreme Court’s historic marriage ruling — which affirmed the legality of same-sex marriage in...
— Michigan state Rep. Gary Glenn (R), speaking in Light wins: How to overcome the Criminalization of Christianity. The film also includes interviews with Rand Paul and...
— Senator Ted Cruz, Republican candidate for President, speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition. The Texas Tribune reports that Cruz told his audience “Religious...
English Bishop says one man and one woman is "a lousy definition" of marriage
—Ben Carson, Republican candidate for president, retired neurosurgeon and renowned homophobe, speaking on Fox News’ Special Report Wednesday night. Asked to clarify statements he made...
–Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, in a Facebook rant. Graham took issue to Wells Fargo’s wonderful sign language commercial, which features two lesbian...
–Pastor Scott Carpenter, speaking with North Carolina’s WBTV. Carpenter is under fire from angry parents who claim a baccalaureate service he gave at Kings Mountain High...
Last fall, Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of Adas Israel Synagogue sent an email to his congregation. He told them he was gay. (And it was good.)
On Monday, Reverend Matthew Makela resigned from his position at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Midland, Mi., after Queerty posted screenshots of a conversation on...