The fate of a religious freedom bill that passed through the Georgia legislature this week remains uncertain, with Gov. Nathan Deal (R) having the final...
In the final days of this year’s legislative session, the Virginia General Assembly approved a bill that provides religious exemptions that would allow individuals and...
An alliance of pro-LGBT organizations submitted more than 75,000 email petitions to Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R), asking him to veto a religious freedom bill...
Georgia legislators may have pulled off a sleight of hand, but no one is being fooled by the Peach State’s latest attempt at passing anti-LGBT...
Respective bills head to opposite legislative chambers, even as Gov. McAuliffe promises vetoes
Lawyers for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis have filed a brief asking that a federal appeals court reverse decisions against Davis that eventually resulted in her...
Bill would allow Florida adoption services and other businesses to deny service due to religious objections
From awards to papal recognition, Kim Davis is being hailed for blocking same-sex marriages
A report issued on Monday by a coalition of civil liberties organizations outlines potential conflicts that can arise between religious freedom and a number of...
Charee Stanley, the Muslim flight attendant for ExpressJet who was suspended from her job for refusing to serve alcohol to passengers, and her lawyer appeared...
Republican-led attempts to legalize religious discrimination against the LGBT community are a "political blunder"
Jesse Bartholomew scolds LGBT community over nondiscrimination lawsuits against anti-gay bakers
Bobby Jindal’s political ambitions are vastly outstripping reality. Louisiana’s Republican governor is determined to make a bid for the White House in 2016, but if...
Jeb Bush appeals to conservative voters in a frank interview on marriage equality
— North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper (D.), speaking with the Associated Press. Cooper said if he was governor he would veto two proposed pieces of legislation...