Lawmakers take the first of two votes needed to push for a ballot measure to overturn the hated Marshall-Newman Amendment.
State Rep. Josh Schriver says that the United States should reverse course and embrace laws that fully outlaw same-sex marriage.
The Massachusetts Senate approved a bill to repeal an anti-sodomy law criminalizing same-sex intimacy and other outdated "morality" laws.
The bill repeals a ban on state-funded travel, replacing it with pro-equality marketing campaigns in states with anti-LGBTQ laws.
A proposed constitutional amendment would repeal the ban on same-sex marriage and declare marriage a "fundamental right."
Singapore’s parliament voted earlier this week to decriminalize same-sex intimacy, but amended the country’s constitution to prevent same-sex marriages from ever being recognized as legally...
An overlooked Pentagon report issued last year by the Joint Chiefs of Staff has debunked decades-old claims that integrating out LGBTQ soldiers into the ranks...
Ten years after the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the VA will allow discharged LGBTQ military veterans to recoup the benefits they lost.
Vote is only the first step in a more complicated process to repeal anti-gay amendment
Establishments will be allowed to have private rooms, but must provide free safe-sex materials and wash-up facilities
Transgender recruits and enlisted members look forward to serving without fear of being discharged for who they are.
President-elect Joe Biden calls House Speaker "an American treasure," praises her commitment to equal rights
A New Jersey township mayor has launched a campaign to repeal a law requiring schools to teach the contributions of LGBTQ people as part of...
On Tuesday, the D.C. Council preliminarily approved a measure to repeal the voter-approved Initiative 77, which sought to raise tipped workers’ hourly wages to $15...
Ruling allows plaintiffs to move challenge law's restrictions on local nondiscrimination ordinances