Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "republicans"

  • Tea Time

    The express is about to hit the road. That's the Tea Party Express, departing Sacramento, Calif., on Aug. 28, concluding in D.C. on Saturday, Sept....

  • The New Victims

    There are certain clichés about ''liberals,'' ''progressives,'' ''lefties,'' what have you. As a longtime spy in that house of love, I can tell you that...

  • Patrick Sammon, President, Log Cabin Republicans

    Listen to Sean Bugg's new Podcast for Metro Weekly Hear the interview from:Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or...

  • A Dead Weight

    Often I hear from less progressive, less liberal corners that a hallmark of ''relativists'' is their inability to discern between good and evil. Hey, no...

  • Soul Searching

    ''Back away from the blog.'' That's hard for Andrew Sullivan to do, even if his partner and fiancé is the one asking him to do...

  • Rove's Family History

    Did political mastermind Karl Rove -- who as President Bush's top political aide helped craft campaign strategies using same-sex marriage as a homophobic political weapon...

  • Log Cabin's Councillor

    In the middle of March, new members were sworn-in for the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Considering the epidemic's disproportionate infection rate in the...

  • Maya Keyes

    Alan Keyes -- former ambassador, former presidential candidate, former Senate candidate, and Christian-right political pundit -- has made a name for himself as one of...

  • Pink People Feeling Blue

    It's fair to say that America is polarized. The 2004 election helped quantify the division, with 51 percent on the right, 48 percent on the...

  • Dropping the GOP

    In the summer of 1910, Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in a small town in Kansas. No one knew then that Roosevelt -- who left...

  • From 'Coverboy' to Cover Story

    Even a little PG-rated beefcake can be political ammo in Washington, D.C. Just ask Jonathan Tolman, a star of Metro Weekly's ''Coverboy Confidential'' feature in...

  • Marriage Update

    You may have noticed a new Republican advertising campaign on gay marriage playing on your television screen. This time, however, it's a campaign to stop...

  • Hailing Mary

    John Aravosis is a fast talker. Conversation with the 40-year-old political consultant and writer is a whirlwind of ideas, opinions and observations, liberally punctuated with...

  • A Threat to Our Kids

    The two couples who met with Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) last Thursday weren't looking for a fight. As parents of gay children, their goal was...

  • Santorum Ad Nauseam

    Santorum Republican Trent Lott, a Mississippi Senator, lauded outgoing Senator Strom Thurmond last year saying the country would have been better off if it had...