President's comments go on record against anti-LGBT laws, as he attempts to allay British travelers' concerns
Target has released a statement supporting its transgender customers and affirming their right to use the restroom of their choice
The University of North Carolina (UNC) has announced that it will follow North Carolina’s anti-gay law HB 2, also known as the “Public Facilities Privacy...
D.C. becomes fifth major city to prohibit employees from planning official trips to North Carolina
A Tennessee bill that would mandate that transgender students be forced to use only the bathroom or locker room that aligns with their biological sex...
South Dakota is on a roll when it comes to devising ways to target its LGBT community for discrimination. A South Dakota State House committee...
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday will hear the appeal of a Virginia transgender student who is challenging his school’s restroom policy requiring...
An Indiana lawmaker has introduced and is pushing a bill that could potentially place transgender people in jail for up to a year if they...
A number of Missouri schools are adopting policies to deal with transgender students, but will require those students to use either a gender neutral bathroom...
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) took aim President Obama for supporting transgender teenagers, particularly allowing them to access the restroom or changing facility consistent with their...
A ruling against a Virginia transgender student could bolster opponents of LGBT nondiscrimination policies
— Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee, in remarks made to the 2015 National Religious Broadcasters Convention, held in Nashville, Tenn., in February. His comments were videotaped and...
Virginia Senate candidate thinks gay people should have separate restrooms
—Gina Gleason, a proponent of a proposed ballot initiative in California known as the “Personal Privacy Protection Act” that could land on the 2016 ballot,...
–White House spokesman Jeff Tiller, speaking with CNN. The White House complex now offers a gender-neutral restroom, letting guests and staff use a restroom that...