Biden urged the Trump administration to push Russian leaders to end the murder and torture of gay men
DeGeneres took to Twitter to inform her followers of the abductions, torture and murder occurring in the Russian province
"The Chechen government won’t admit that gay men even exist in Chechnya"
Friends and Fashion paints a captivating picture of diplomatic life in early 19th century St. Petersburg, based on an album of watercolors assembled by the...
Dear President Trump, You will hear us. You will hear the voices of millions of Americans who oppose your narrow worldview, shallow rhetoric and proposed...
Trump Cabinet, Cabinet-Level Nominee and Adviser Threat Gauge Name: Rex Tillerson Position: Secretary of State LGBT record: Oversaw ExxonMobil when the company was dragging its feet on adopting protections for LGBT workers. He...
Scott Lively hopes to capitalize on backlash against "political correctness" to institute anti-gay laws
Despite previous plans to discuss LGBT issues, Elton John and the Russian president were unable to talk
They were like, ‘Two guys can’t be in the same bed’."
"We must prevent gay fever in our country and support traditional values"
Pride can be a celebration, a declaration, or a fight to be recognized, depending on where you live
Russia's deputy PM lashes out at gay people and the West as his country loses Eurovision
Sweden has designed a delightfully tongue-in-cheek method of dealing with Russian aggression on its borders. Last October, Sweden sent hundreds of troops and units to...
— Vladimir Yakunin, president of Russian Railways and close ally of President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a conference in Geneva. Yakunin spoke extensively on his...
One has to wonder if Russia even cares about its reputation on the world stage any more. Recent practices suggest that Putin and co. are working...