Ken Cuccinelli, the former Republican Attorney General of Virginia, is attacking sitting Attorney General Mark Herring (D) for not defending the state’s now-defunct ban on...
Congresswoman Liz Cheney admitted she was "wrong" to oppose marriage equality in the past, a stance that put her at odds with her family.
Voters in Switzerland backed same-sex marriage by an almost two-to-one margin, bringing the coutnry in line with its European neighbors
Pope Francis calls marriage a "divine sacrament" that the Catholic Church cannot change, but rejects condemnation of gay couples
A federal judge has ruled that a Catholic school was wrong to fire a lay, secular employee for marrying his same-sex partner.
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against a website designer seeking to refuse to provide custom wedding websites for same-sex couples.
New Gallup poll finds record support for same-sex marriage, with 70% of American adults in favor.
The U.S. State Department has changed its policy to grant automatic U.S. citizenship to children born abroad to married same-sex couples.
Kate McKinnon's Liz Cheney touted her Republican credentials, noting she "opposed gay marriage even though my own sister is a lez"
A wedding photographer is seeking to overturn New York's LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination law, claiming it offends her religious beliefs.
A wedding venue in North Carolina has refused to accommodate a gay couple, citing their Christian beliefs opposing same-sex marriage.
An amendment repealing Missouri's gay marriage ban was defeated because lawmakers on the committee of origin failed to even raise the issue.
Analysis of the Boulder shooting suspect's Facebook page found posts opposing same-sex marriage, but no motive for the attack
The Vatican reportedly invested "millions" in Elton John biopic "Rocketman"
Lawmakers are expected to take up at least 9 of 11 bills targeting transgender youth and same-sex couples.