Statement casts homosexuality as a "choice" and says LGBTQ people may only receive church blessings if they are celibate
Conservative leaders are seeking to form the "Global Methodist Church" to continue opposing same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy
Lisa Miller, defendant in high-profile same-sex custody case, fled to Nicaragua to keep her daughter away from her ex-partner
Vote is only the first step in a more complicated process to repeal anti-gay amendment
The European nation also made it easier for some transgender people to have their gender legally recognized
Outgoing Republican congressman says he's weighing a bid for governor as an independent
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Biden's presidency presented "certain challenges"
Justice says condoning same-sex nuptials has fueled "intolerance" towards people with "unpopular religious beliefs"
Voters chose to define marriage as a union "between couples regardless of gender"
Footage spliced together two separate parts of a 2019 interview that "led to confusion" about the Pope's stance
County clerk has apologized, saying employee in question has since been disciplined
Majorities of most religious groups, as well as political ideologies, now support same-sex nuptials
State Department categorically refuses to recognize citizenship of children of legally married same-sex couples
Justices Thomas and Alito claim same-sex marriage violates religious liberty and the court bypassed the democratic process in its 2015 decision.
But another photographer and a church have filed two new lawsuits seeking to overturn or gut the law