Judge grants class action status, allowing other survivors of same-sex spouses to seek benefits they've earned
An estimated 293,000 same-sex weddings have taken place since the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling
Lawyers argue courts should grant divorce to gay couple of 15 years, despite Texas' same-sex marriage ban
Robert Jeffress: "Whenever you counterfeit something, you cheapen the value of the real thing"
Alter High School students have circulated a petition and protested decision to let go of beloved English teacher
New York Council Speaker had called on Samaritan's Purse to leave New York due to its anti-LGBTQ beliefs
Evangelical leader defends requiring workers at Samaritan's Purse field hospital to sign onto anti-LGBTQ statement of faith
Longtime Trump surrogate has attacked gay marriage and cast trans people in restrooms as threats to women
The coronavirus pandemic is a "reckoning" from God claims Tennessee pastor Perry Stone
Court will decide whether child placement agencies that discriminate based on religion are entitled to taxpayer funds
Students were tasked to write a speech 'taking a stand' on an issue -- but same-sex marriage was off-limits
Archdiocese insists the teachers resigned from their jobs voluntarily and chose when they wanted to resign
Putin signaled his support for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage
Limbaugh's remarks underscore polling showing that a number of Americans won't vote for a gay or lesbian person
Dennis Guth's religious exemption bills strike at the heart of Iowa's laws banning anti-LGBTQ discrimination