The Virginia House of Delegates and Senate sustained vetoes of two so-called “religious freedom” measures that would have permitted discrimination against LGBTQ people and same-sex...
The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the case of Barber v. Bryant, a challenge to Mississippi’s so-called “religious freedom” law, HB...
Tennessee lawmakers have delayed a vote on a measure that would only legally recognize marriages between one man and one woman until next year, but advocates...
Same-sex spouses will no longer need a court order or to spend money out of pocket to amend partners' death certificates
On Thursday, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) vetoed a pair of bills that would grant religious exemptions for those with religious objections to same-sex marriage. The bill...
The Wyoming Supreme Court has decided to censure, but not remove from office, a municipal judge who refused to solemnize same-sex marriage ceremonies, reports The Associated...
A federal judge has ruled that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who made national headlines when she went to jail rather than issue marriage licenses to...
The Prince William County Clerk of the Circuit Court who intervened in the case that eventually led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Virginia...
On Thursday, the Virginia Senate approved a so-called “religious freedom” bill that would prevent the government from imposing any penalty or denying any special tax status, contract,...
Trump previously promised to sign bill targeting LGBT people
Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R-Ala.) President Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, has offered a glimpse at how the Department of Justice might enforce existing laws...
A General Laws subcommittee will consider several measures involving LGBT rights
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s legal team is defending a “religious freedom” bill that seeks to allow discrimination against LGBT people by arguing it is Christians...
Some Virginia lawmakers seem intent on testing Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s promise to veto any anti-LGBT legislation that lands on his desk. In the past week,...
A 2017 Calendar of LGBT Events in Washington, D.C.