The Vatican has said that transgender people can be baptized and can participate, in a limited way, in some Church sacraments.
A website for the counseling business of Kelly Johnson compared being gay to various sins, including incest and bestiality.
A New Hampshire college student has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Congressman Matt Gaetz over his anti-LGBTQ stances.
India's Supreme Court rejected a request to legalize same-sex marriage, even as it urged the government to combat anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
Fernando is the first Latino with whom I've had a serious relationship, much less married.
Pontiff's response to conservative bishops does not change Church doctrine, but emphasizes a more charitable approach toward LGBTQ Catholics.
Delegates at the California Republican Party state convention rejected a proposed language to "soften" the party's platform on social issues.
A court rules Bulgaria must recognize a same-sex relationship, while another in Kenya finds LGBTQ people have the right to freely associate.
A jury has awarded $100,000 to a same-sex couple who were refused a marriage license in 2015 by then-Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis.
The California Republican Party is currently at odds with the national Republican Party after proposing to remove opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion – two...
A proposed constitutional amendment would repeal the ban on same-sex marriage and declare marriage a "fundamental right."
Nepal's Supreme Court has issued a ruling requiring the government to register same-sex relationships, despite the lack of a marriage equality law.
Delegate Seth Damon sponsored a bill to the Council that repeals the same-sex marriage ban in the Navajo Nation.
On Tuesday, June 20, Estonia’s parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage, making the country the first Baltic state, and the first ex-Soviet state, to legalize...
The frontrunner to become Thailand’s next prime minister has vowed to stand up for LGBTQ rights should he be elected. Appearing at the second annual...