“The government does not need to recognize the rights of same-sex couples in an official way. Gays chose what they want to be, and the...
Aloha, Hawaii, and welcome to the club. Hawaii joined Washington, D.C., and 14 other states in allowing marriage equality – with Illinois’s new law set...
Scotland, the small country that sits on top of England, has given the world many things, including television, refrigerators, the United States Navy, penicillin, Forbes...
Read Justin Snow’s report on the Hawaii same-sex marriage vote here. Join our e-mail list. Follow @metroweekly
“Whenever freedom and equality are affirmed, our country becomes stronger. By giving loving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry if they choose, Hawaii...
“We hope that the Irish Churches will embrace the message of inclusion, which is shared by many Christians, and will not oppose the extension of...
In light of recent anti same-sex marriage commercials — we’re looking at you, NOM — and the wealth of states that still oppose same-sex marriage,...
Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler (D) announced today that he is officially entering the 2014 race for governor, where he hopes to succeed Gov. Martin...
“I’ve gotten pushback from a number of things I’ve stood up in the pulpit and said, but almost none about sexuality. I think we have...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Virginia, Lambda Legal, and the law firm Jenner and Block announced today at a press conference...
Hawaii stands to gain $217 million in additional visitor spending if the state’s Legislature passes a marriage-equality law, according to a new report by the...
In reaction to today’s Supreme Court decision to end the Defense of Marriage Act, Orbitz issued a statement surrounding its support of equal rights for...
In a 366 to 161 vote, Britain’s House of Commons said ‘I Do’ to marriage equality with the passage of legislation to legalize same-sex marriage...
ENGLAND. Conservatives are expected to do badly in Thursday’s local elections in England and Wales, largely, it seems because of Prime Minister David Cameron‘s support for...
More than 80 Republicans and conservatives have attached their names to a brief to be filed with the Supreme Court later this week arguing that...