“Regardless of sexual orientation, ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ is acceptable in all references to individuals in any legally recognized marriage. ‘Spouse’ or ‘partner’ may be used...
Amazon has launched a new Kindle Paperwhite advertisement, and it’s notable for featuring not just a gay couple, but what can be assumed to be...
When Amanda Lucidon and her husband made the decision to move back East from California, the motivation was to be near family. That she'd been...
“We were asked how to report about same-sex couples who call themselves ‘husband’ and ‘wife.’ Our view is that such terms may be used in...
“The oddest of the strategies to condemn and isolate homosexuals is to propose that homosexual marriage is opposed to and a threat to heterosexual marriage,...
The Republican Party remains divided on how to address the issue of same-sex marriage, according to a poll of political insiders conducted by National Journal....
With the start of the new year, same-sex couples will have access to legally sanctioned marriage in Maryland. This comes after the state already recognized...
Maryland became one of the first states to legalize same-sex marriage at the ballot box Tuesday night, sending a welcoming message to the LGBT community....
With less than two weeks until Election Day, forces fighting against marriage equality haven't just thrown the kitchen sink at their political rivals – they've...
Monday, Oct. 15, was Cambodian ''King-Father'' Norodom Sihanouk's last day on this mortal plain. It's okay, don't be sad. He was 89, after all. His...
“e would believe that same-sex relationships are profoundly harmful both physically, biologically, mentally, emotionally and I have to say spiritually to those involved. No society...
“We are committed to a Scotland that is fair and equal and that is why we intend to proceed with plans to allow same-sex marriage...
“Target is focused on diversity and inclusivity.” Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, on the company’s new same-sex marriage greeting cards. The cards...
“Clearly, if it is sensible to hold a referendum on independence, it is crucial that we have one on marriage. It is the only way...
Lambda Legal, an LGBT legal organization, announced June 13 that Washington County, in Maryland's panhandle, will extend spousal benefits to county employees with spouses of...