The Pennsylvania state legislature recently passed a measure that will finally remove “homosexuality” from the list of banned sexual acts in the state’s crime code....
Oklahoma Christian University allegedly terminated Michael O'Keefe for inviting a gay Christian to talk to his class.
Botswana's president recently met with LGBTQ advocates and promised to ensure that same-sex relations will not continue to be criminalized.
Lawmakers in Senegal rejected a bill that would have doubled the penalties for those convicted of engaging in same-sex relations.
Lawmakers in Senegal are proposing doubling the penalty for same-sex relations and jailing those who advocate for LGBTQ equality.
Lord Norman Fowler, the new UNAIDS ambassador, says overturning bans on same-sex relations would help in curbing the spread of HIV.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights find anti-sodomy laws violate LGBTQ people's human rights
Attendees were charged with public indecency and violating COVID-19 quarantine following police raid
U.S. Ambassador received threats after saying he was "horrified" by 15-year sentence for two men convicted of gay sex
Country's attorney general claims unanimous court decision was wrongly decided
On heels of two trans rights cases, high court finds colonial-era law penalizing homosexuality unconstitutional
Calls come after military tribunal refuses to prosecute 4 service members charged with sodomy
On Thursday, Botswana’s High Court heard a challenge to the country’s laws criminalizing gay sex, reports Reuters. The country’s penal code outlaws “carnal knowledge of...
President's response clashes with claims that the decriminalization campaign has the full support of the administration
Earlier this month, a district court of appeals in Lebanon issued a groundbreaking ruling finding that consensual sex between people of the same sex is...