In deep red Florida, most of Gov. DeSantis-endorsed school board candidates went belly up in the recent primaries.
A Florida school board suspended an employee for failing to register her daughter as "male," even though the girl had transitioned.
Voters in Orange, California, successfully recalled two school board members accused of pushing anti-LGBTQ policies, including one that “outs” transgender students to their parents. Madison...
A Pennsylvania school board voted to renew a transgender tennis coach's contract amid conservative-led objections to retaining her.
Last month, the board of the Temecula Valley Unified School District voted to block a social studies textbook whose supplemental resources mention gay civil rights...
A transgender school board member in North Carolina resigned earlier this month after being harassed for months in the course of their job by a...
A Florida school district has rejected sex education textbooks after the county’s school board rejected two proposed textbooks for allegedly violating the state’s “Parental Rights...
A Wisconsin school board president who received death threats over a pro-LGBTQ teacher training, which right-wing media sought to exploit for political purposes by claiming...
Conservative parents in Lakeland, Tennessee have attacked a teacher as a "predator" for sponsoring a Gender and Sexuality Alliance club.
Virginia school board reverses ban on LGBTQ books after threatening to burn them
Spotsylvania County school board members demanded that LGBTQ books be thrown "in a fire" after a mother complained
Students are demanding that Kim Johnson be removed as a teacher from Morton District 709 High School, alleging years of anti-LGBTQ comments
Frances Cogelja resigned after forcing 150 people to watch her use the toilet during a Zoom meeting
Ann Ennis pretended to play a violin while offering the callous response to LGBTQ activists
An attempted coup by social conservatives in a suburban Chicago school district has been shot down, allowing the district to continue its current arrangement that allows transgender...