Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "shakespeare theatre company"

  • Designing Woman

    Despite the bohemian trendiness of the '30s when Noel Coward wrote Design for Living, he must have known that most audiences, being typically conventional, would...

  • Drinking Again

    Pulling it out yet again (sometimes literally in this case), the Washington Shakespeare Company delivers a superbly in-yer-face production of Tennessee Williams' study in disheveled...

  • God Damned

    Alas, where to begin? There are but two ways of looking at director Ethan McSweeny's interpretation of Euripides' Ion: It is either a masterpiece of...

  • Hounds of Love

    In his somewhat overlong, overdone comic-poignant The Dog in the Manger, now at The Shakespeare Theatre Company's Lansburgh Theatre, Spanish Renaissance playwright Lope de Vega...

  • Pruned Orchard

    Despite a somewhat charged undercurrent, a plethora of highly-choreographed visuals, and some interesting and solid performances, Washington Shakespeare Company's production of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard...

  • Winter Wonderlands

    Among the signs of the holiday season is the appearance of ''family friendly'' shows meant to bridge the divide between serious grown-up work and (the...

  • Well Done

    There is something appealing and unpretentious about the cave-like, yet artfully accented, interior of the Clark Street Playhouse in Crystal City. The many cheerful regulars...

  • She Males

    To borrow from Victor/Victoria, Shakespeare Theatre Company's Juliet is a man, pretending to be a woman.... Oh. Wait. That's it. No need to borrow from...

  • Toga Party

    If you fall into that demographic of individuals who love reading The Onion and seeing the works of William Shakespeare (we'll not mention your Public...

  • Daredevils

    Attending a performance of the Washington Shakespeare Company feels a little like getting admitted to a very hip club. Like the hole-in-the-wall bar that always...

  • Return of the King

    It was the late 1990s when Wallace Acton decided he'd had his fill of metropolitan Washington. He packed his bags and moved to New York....

  • Ghosts and Generals

    The language of Conor McPherson's Shining City is a rapid fire staccato. His characters struggle to finish sentences they do not wish to speak and...

  • Roman Candle

    It's funny the way the mind works. We hear a story of political intrigue, of petty grudges fueled by unhindered access to great power, and...

  • Female Trouble

    What's so remarkable about The Taming of the Shrew is that, despite all the changes to the status of women in the last century, Shakespeare's...

  • Naked Ambition

    Jose Carrasquillo's interpretation of Macbeth at the Washington Shakespeare Company, a production where the full cast is nude for the entirety of the play, has...