Despite Patrick Page's pulsar-like charisma in the titular role, 'King Lear' never quite comes together in a satisfying whole.
'King Lear' has been extended a third time, now through April 16, while a 'mock trial' is set for Monday, March 13.
Despite two uproarious turns from Michael Urie and Ryan Spahn, Talene Monahon's Jane Anger misses its feminist mark.
Michael Urie and Ryan Spahn on "Jane Anger," life since the pandemic, playing gay roles, and the iconic Harrison Ford.
Simon Godwin makes the most of the machinations of a TV news show to tell Shakespeare's comic tale of mismatched romance.
The theater season in Washington, D.C. returns to robust pre-pandemic levels with an astounding array of dramas, comedies, and musicals.
'Red Velvet' focuses on an 1833 milestone when Ira Aldridge became the first Black actor in history to portray 'Othello.'
An all-star ensemble takes on the Thornton Wilder classic in director Paul's unprecedented production at The Shakespeare Theatre.
Reflecting on the eternal and the ephemeral, Our Town hits every note in Thornton Wilder's classic symphony of Americana.
Plumbing the homoerotic tendencies in the text, Arin Arbus' The Merchant of Venice unearths a fresh take.
In "Once Upon a One More Time" at Shakespeare Theatre, Jon Hartmere offers a Britney Spears-inspired feminist take on fairytale princesses
An unprecedented display of unity among more than a dozen D.C. area theaters is intended to protect performers, staff, and patrons.
Shakespeare's welcome return to live theater is a bold exploration of a strange new world.
A fictional court case drawn from the marital woes in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale."
In "All the Devils Are Here," Patrick Page connects today's popular villains to their roots in Shakespeare's works