During a Ward 1 town-hall meeting last night, June 9, Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) publicly offered his support to expanding the city's smoke-free workplace...
In Washington's ongoing tug-o-war over tobacco, the Whitman-Walker Clinic Board of Directors voted late last month to support expansion of the city's smoke-free workplace laws...
Washington's newest local celebrity is Mary. She's the central figure in a new campaign aimed at smokers who are trying to kick the habit. Ads...
Photography by Todd Franson If you have an e-mail account, chances are good you've gotten an Atlas E-mail Alert from Mark Lee. And if you've...
Two times as many lesbians report being heavy smokers than straight women, says the Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer, so it's no surprise if...
The first annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health week is currently underway, reminding the LGBT community that its health needs go way beyond ginseng...
Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...