Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "smoking"

  • Graham Joins Smoke-Free Effort

    During a Ward 1 town-hall meeting last night, June 9, Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) publicly offered his support to expanding the city's smoke-free workplace...

  • Smoke Signals

    In Washington's ongoing tug-o-war over tobacco, the Whitman-Walker Clinic Board of Directors voted late last month to support expansion of the city's smoke-free workplace laws...

  • No Ifs, Ands or Butts

    Washington's newest local celebrity is Mary. She's the central figure in a new campaign aimed at smokers who are trying to kick the habit. Ads...

  • Mark Lee

    Photography by Todd Franson If you have an e-mail account, chances are good you've gotten an Atlas E-mail Alert from Mark Lee. And if you've...

  • Kicking the Habit

    Two times as many lesbians report being heavy smokers than straight women, says the Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer, so it's no surprise if...

  • To Your Health

    The first annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health week is currently underway, reminding the LGBT community that its health needs go way beyond ginseng...

  • Body and Soul

    Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...