Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "sports"

  • Capital Area Rainbowlers Association (CARA)

    CARA members on their 2006 Capital Pride Parade float(Photo by Henry Linser/file photo) MISSION: Founded in 1995, CARA coordinates and promotes the sport of bowling...

  • Good Sports

    The sporting arena in its various forms is the place where athletes come to test themselves against one another, and their own personal bests. Sometimes...

  • Federal Triangles Soccer Club

    Federal Triangles members at the 20005 Capital Pride festival (Photo by Todd Franson) MISSION: Founded in 1990, The FTSC promotes the growth of soccer and...

  • UltimateOut – Gay, Lesbian and Gay-friendly Ultimate Frisbee Coed Team

    Members of Ultimateout ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION: UltimateOut strives to build a sense of community for athletic gays, lesbians and gay-friendly people to play a fun, energetic...

  • Lambda Divers

    Members of Lambda Divers ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION: Founded in 1989, Lambda Divers is a nonprofit social organization dedicated to promoting scuba diving among the members of...

  • Lambda Links (Golf)

    ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION: Founded in 1999 to promote and provide a forum for golf camaraderie for gay, lesbian and bisexual people regardless of faith, ethnicity, race,...

  • D.C. Lambda Squares

    Members of the D.C. Lambda Squares Mission: D.C. Lambda Squares provides opportunities for members, visitors and guests to dance in non-traditional roles and a comfortable...

  • D.C. Strokes Rowing Club

    D.C. Strokes members at a recent club practice. Organizational Mission: The first gay and lesbian rowing club in the U.S., D.C. Strokes is committed to...

  • Capital Area Rainbowlers Association (CARA)

    Capital Area Rainbowlers Mission: CARA is an association of GLBT bowling leagues that offers both bowling and social events. Founded: 1994 Number of Members: More...

  • District of Columbia Aquatics Club (DCAC)

    DC Aquatics Club Mission: A swimming team and social club for gays, lesbians and friends of the community Founded: 1998 Number of Members: Approximately 175...

  • Capital Tennis Association (CTA)

    Mission: Coordinate and promote the sport of tennis within the Washington metropolitan gay and lesbian community. Founded: 1994 Number of Members: Approximately 225 How to...

  • Washington Wetskins

    Washington Wetskins Mission: The Wetskins are a water polo team dedicated to creating an environment in which the sport can be played regardless of sexual...

  • Adventuring D.C.

    Photo by Todd Franson Members of Adventuring D.C. at last Saturday's Fall Potluck Social. Mission: Adventuring provide gays and lesbians with non-competitive outdoor activities, from...

  • Play Ball!

    You see them in the spring and summer, spread out around the base of the Washington monument or along the playing fields near the Roosevelt...

  • Out of the Park

    Photos by Michael Wichita Billy Bean may be in the middle of a long and overscheduled book tour, with speaking engagement and signing parties crowding...