Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "sports"

  • Bound for Glory

    Quick -- how many major professional baseball, football and basketball stars are out of the closet? Zero. Now, how many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender...

  • Tennis, Anyone?

         All it took for tennis to shed its stuffy, elitist reputation was a long-haired sex symbol with a cocky attitude, a few Canon commercials...

  • Striking Out

         For a bowler, there's no sweeter sound than the clamor of ten white pins crashing to the floor in a strike.      ''I love...

  • Wet-n-Wild

    Washington Wetskins      Take some basketball, mix in dashes of soccer and football, then flood the playing field with water until it's too deep to...

  • Renegades Rugby

    Washington Renegades (Photo by Michael Wichita) Just watching a Washington Renegades rugby practice from the sidelines, one starts to feel gripped by the passion on...