Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "stage"

  • Stage Presence: Motivating Fences

    ''I didn't audition for Troy because I didn't think I would be considered for Troy.'' Michael Sainte-Andress is referring to the leading character in Fences,...

  • Stage Presence: Gay Fruit of the Vine

    In 2003, Vincent Worthington, who had worked in theater since he was 14, was faced with an important decision. Keith Waters, founder and Artistic Director...

  • Blonde Ambition

    One could almost say Mrs. Robinson is the original desperate housewife. But there's nothing desperate about the woman currently playing her on The Graduate's national...

  • The Ushers

    The Ushers Mission: This theater-going group provides both ushers and audience members for small theaters throughout the Washington metropolitan area. Founded: 1990 Number of Members:...

  • Hop, Skip and Jump

    More about • Cherry 9

  • Olympia's Spirit

    Ask Olympia Dukakis if she's as strong a woman as the characters she typically plays in the movies, and the Oscar-winning actress cocks her head...

  • Other Worlds

    Photography by Todd Franson Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa sometimes finds it hard to write by the rules other people make. During his recent studies at the Yale...

  • Shameless

    ''Kick him to the side of the curb.'' This is the somewhat brutal advice given by an audience member to Topher Bellavia last Saturday night...

  • Hello Again

    When Jerry Herman left New York, his lifelong home, to move to Los Angeles more than a decade ago, he said he was retiring. And...

  • Traveling Man

    If he has his druthers after August, Tom Judson may never stay in another hotel again as long he lives. Not after a year of...

  • Busch League

    If you've seen Psycho Beach Party -- either the wild and wacky Source Theatre production of more than a decade ago or the more subdued...

  • Asian Influence

    Photography by Michael Wichita Edu. Bernardino has a serious case of boy band on the brain. Though not an uncommon malady these days, Bernardino comes...

  • Tony Curtis

    Tony Curtis ''I'm telling you'' -- Tony Curtis's Brooklyn accent is as thick and redolent and comforting as a slice of New York pizza with...

  • Boxed In

    Tim Miller Tim Miller is feeling a little guilty. ''I used to be very pooh-poohing on the gays in the military issue,'' admits the performance...

  • Lypsinka Speaks!

    To say that John Epperson is the ''Pride of Mississippi'' probably wouldn't be the most accurate of statements. Now, that's not to disparage Epperson's estimable...