Just one day after the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, the Justice Department filed a motion withdrawing its previous request for a...
Board approves compromise statement but shies away from explicit protections over fears of lawsuits
A conservative radio host is accusing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of attempting to indoctrinate American schoolchildren into supporting sexual deviancy through her plan to...
But civil rights organizations note the decision isn't binding on other cases involving transgender rights
LGBT students talk about why GSAs matter to them -- and what schools can do to make sure they work
When his high school offered Gavin Grimm a modified broom closet as a restroom, he not only refused to use it, he sued the school...
“Interacting with an LGBTQ student is the same as interacting with all students,” says Tina Bradley, a teacher at Ballou STAY High School, an alternative...
A mother's struggle as her Missouri school district bars her trans children from restrooms
A middle school teacher in Kansas has been asked to resign and is unlikely to ever return to the classroom in the school district where...
Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are attempting to stem the tide of harassment against LGBT youth in public schools.
Transgender students are protected from discrimination under the same federal law that prohibits sex discrimination, the Department of Education announced Tuesday. According to guidance issued...
A new California law providing protections for transgender public school students will not qualify for a voter referendum after a petition drive to place the...
In just a few days, Chris Obermeyer's weeks of planning will come to fruition with Woodrow Wilson Senior High School becoming the first D.C. public...
Members of Congress are trying again to prohibit anti-LGBT discrimination, bullying and harassment against students in the nation’s public schools through federal legislation announced today...
Two weeks after the Catholic University of America rejected the proposal for CUAllies, a student organization for LGBT students and their allies, the club's lead...