In this second installment, hosts Shi-Queeta-Lee and lena Lett preside over D.C.'s amateur drag competition. Five new contestants and two returns take to the stage...
Episode 1 of the second season of the monthly competition at Town Danceboutique in Washington, D.C. Five new amateur contestants -- Kim Deneeda, Renee Porcelain...
In the finale of Town Danceboutique's So You Think You're a Drag Queen, previous winners from the past year compete to win the $2,500 grand...
November's contest, held monthly at Town Danceboutique, features a ''blind'' catwalk, a thanksgiving-inspired outfit, and a queen with an apparent love of hamburgers. Six new...
The popular monthly contest at Washington, D.C.'s Town Danceboutique continues. The October installment features a challenge that would win a steeplechaser's heart.Contestants included Kit Valentine,...
In this month's installment of the popular ''So You Think You're a Drag Queen,'' held the first Friday of every month at Town Danceboutique, the...
The monthly contest continues, with a full slate of contenders vying for the prize. Challenges include collecting dollars (second nature to any drag queen) and...
Five contestants took part in the latest So You Think You're a Drag Queen at Town Danceboutique on Saturday, July 3, 2010. The montly show...
Nine contestants -- that's right, NINE -- took part in So You Think You're a Drag Queen at Town Danceboutique on Friday, June 4, 2010....
Town Danceboutique held its fifth installment in the monthly contest ''So, You Think You're a Drag Queen?'' on Friday, April 30. Eight contestants -- some...
Town Danceboutique held its fourth installment in the monthly contest ''So, You Think You're a Drag Queen?'' on Saturday, April 3. Five new contestants --...