Book casts vice presidential bunny's namesake as a gay rabbit who marries another male rabbit
Activists celebrate two hard-won victories after more than a decade of obstruction
Conviction was overturned because district court ruled that discrimination in the workplace is "noneconomic"
Report finds law requiring schools to adopt comprehensive suicide prevention policies led to greater LGBTQ inclusion
Bill seeks to discipline therapists who attempt to forcibly change youth's sexual orientation or gender identity
It's now up to lawmakers and movement leaders to push for clear, comprehensive laws prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination
Bill has earned support from several major medical and mental health organizations
Vice president's daughter says "we can all get behind" donating proceeds from book sales to charity
LGBTQ organizations have complained that it removes their ability to target their community
Robert York and Town Danceboutique are teaming up to benefit local LGBTQ organizations
The Trevor Project says that the number of transgender youth calling into its suicide prevention hotline spiked following the announcement of President Trump’s proposed ban...
Hotlines that cater to members of the transgender community reported a spike in calls after the Trump administration reversed guidance from the Obama administration guaranteeing transgender students...
Mayor Muriel Bowser signed into law a bill that requires teachers and administrators to receive ongoing training on the warning signs and risk factors for...
Councilmember David Grosso on Tuesday introduced a bill aimed at ensuring all school-based personnel to receive sufficient training on youth suicide prevention and intervention, with...