Heidi Schreck offers two hours of high-octane -- if overegged -- insight into her life-long love of the Constitution.
Jackie Sibblies Drury's "Fairview" offers a powerful, original, and unsettling study of race relations
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Edward Gero puts Falstaff center stage in Folger’s 1 Henry IV
Live theater, plays, and musicals in D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Now is the right time to see a local stage production, thanks to theatreWashington's annual Theatre Week offerings
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
A "hauntingly beautiful" Ford's Theatre is the backdrop to Sondheim's timely tale
Alan Sharpe's LGBTQ+ plays add diversity to an already diverse lineup at Kennedy Center's Page-to-Stage Festival
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!