Bursting with ballerinas and acrobats and tap-happy Santas, it should be a killer fall and winter for dance around D.C.
The PAC seeks to raise money to mount voter education campaigns targeting incumbent lawmakers with anti-LGBTQ records.
GALA Theatre's "The 22+ Weddings of Hugo" weaves an engaging mystery from the real-life tale of a serial bigamist.
Roz White illuminates Billie Holiday's blues in Mosaic's moving production of "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill."
North Carolina gubernatorial nominee reportedly claimed to be a "Black Nazi," defended slavery, and bashed gays on an adult message board.
The Russian-style law prohibits all depictions of LGBTQ identity and severely curtails various LGBTQ rights.
State Parole Board refuses to commute Russell Henderson's double-life sentences for murdering the Wyoming youth.
Executive order prohibits taxpayer dollars from being used for conversion therapy, and allows for discipline on therapists who deploy it.
Mary Kathleen Costello, of Pennsylvania, has become the 12th out LGBTQ person nominated to a lifetime judgeship.
A recent HRC poll finds LGBTQ adults are motivated to vote in this year's election, with a clear majority supporting Democrat Kamala Harris.
Local health experts and data refute Vance's claims that HIV rates have surged in Springfield due to migrant Haitians.
The measure requires elementary and middle schools to inform parents when a student asks to be treated according to their gender identity.
A Florida school district agreed to return 36 books flagged as "obscene" to school library shelves as part of a settlement.
Dozens of Christians flooded the meeting, claiming that recognizing LGBTQ History Month violates their parental rights and religious beliefs.
The far-right extremist publicly goaded the South Carolina senator after he denounced her comments about Kamala Harris's heritage as racist.