Austin Quinn-Davidson will serve as interim mayor of Anchorage following the resignation of Mayor Ethan Berkowitz
Pontiff's comments mark a revolutionary departure from church doctrine on the issue of same-sex relationships
Aides took issue with Pompeo's participation in event after learning the group supports conversion therapy
Trump repeated a discredited claim about voter fraud at a "Trump Pride" event
The limited edition Oreo Rainbow cookies are part of a new campaign with PFLAG to showcase allyship for LGBTQ people
Buttigieg said his marriage to husband Chasten "might depend" on the Supreme Court should Barrett be confirmed
Attendees were charged with public indecency and violating COVID-19 quarantine following police raid
Kendall Stephens claims police were "unsympathetic" and "trivialized" her injuries
In this week's issue, we review all the films in the annual LGBTQ festival that we could get our mitts on.
Megan Steffen says a joke about her sexuality led to being threatened with "stringent" disciplinary measures
Under a new rule change, social workers in Texas will now be allowed to turn away LGBTQ clients based on their personal religious beliefs.
On the Rocks spins privileged humor from a dad and daughter's deep-seated trust issues
Darmarion Degrate is accused of shooting at least two men, killing one, after meeting them through Grindr
Legislature has 40 days to approve amendment adding LGBTQ protections to civil rights law, or else it ends up on 2022 ballot
Four LGBTQ mountain climbers attempt to scale Oregon's Mount Hood in Devin Fei-Fan's overlong film