The Trump-supportive group is out of step with the LGBTQ-affirming beliefs of many Catholic Americans
Released several months early, Laura Marling's latest release is her most intimate and powerful yet
The singer-songwriter offers her DiGiTAL ACTS OF KiNDNESS concerts on Facebook Live
The exhibition explores the life of intrepid explorer and renowned scientist Jane Goodall
The Strokes attempt to correct course after a rocky few years, but many songs overstay their welcome
15-year-old suspect, caught on video, claims the couple pushed him and made anti-Muslim comments
Ice Cream Jubilee offers collection and home-delivery for its ice creams and sweet treats
Reel Affirmations streams the award-winning, slow-simmering romance
Netflix documentary wonderfully showcases Karen and Barry Mason, who created an L.A. erotica icon
Ruling could unintentionally impact members of the transgender community
Evangelical leader defends requiring workers at Samaritan's Purse field hospital to sign onto anti-LGBTQ statement of faith
Order clarifies guidelines for social distancing and use of face coverings when venturing outside the home
On Tuesday, members of Baltimore’s transgender and allied communities held a virtual vigil via Zoom in honor of Johanna Metzger, a transgender woman stabbed to...
Lawsuit seeks court order compelling TSA to abide by its policy prohibiting strip searches
HRC slammed Trump's "personal vanity" after Treasury Department orders IRS to print Trump's name on stimulus checks