Father Scott Nolan told Judge Sara Smolenski she couldn't receive communion, after years of attending the church
Three ongoing HIV vaccine trials offer reason to be hopeful, researchers say
AGs say barring transgender people from spaces matching their gender identity serves "no legitimate interests"
The state of Utah has proposed a final rule aimed at banning conversion therapy on minors following the addition of language meant to assuage concerns...
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights calls findings "devastating," says Trump has "blatantly and deliberately" targeted LGBTQ people
Curtis said sexuality is "nobody's business" -- unless someone is harming other LGBTQ people
Poll shows LGBTQ voters are "enthusiastic" about 2020 election, with Elizabeth Warren the favorite for the Democratic nomination
Iowa became the first state to fly the trans flag by itself, in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance
Lawsuit alleges being housed in men's prisons puts trans female inmates at risk of rape and abuse
Helene Woods takes issue with school officials' decision to bar her son from the boys' restroom and locker room
Chelsey Nelson claims LGBTQ nondiscrimination law could force her to violate her beliefs by photographing same-sex weddings
Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime
Americans overall are split on whether to allow restroom access based on gender identity
RuPaul's Drag Race alum appears at MGM Borgata for Pride Bingo on Dec. 7
Open to All, the national campaign based around encouraging businesses and nonprofits to be affirming of LGBTQ employees and customers, has released its first-ever holiday...