Conor Climo allegedly discussed firebombing LGBTQ and Jewish people with other white supremacists
Crime Solvers will offer up to $1,000 for anyone who provides information leading to arrest and indictment of suspects
El Tio Tex-Mex Grill settled a lawsuit alleging that employees subjected a gay server to homophobic harassment
Gay son of one of the organizers called it "white supremacy masquerading as straight pride"
Judge rules the Fourteenth Amendment and Title IX both protect transgender students from discrimination
A New Jersey township mayor has launched a campaign to repeal a law requiring schools to teach the contributions of LGBTQ people as part of...
The advert equated the "guilty pleasure" of ice cream with being jailed for hugging another man
A second transgender woman has been killed in South Carolina in just over two weeks, becoming the 14th transgender person killed in the United States...
Student-athletes' complaint argues allowing trans women to compete in women's sports violates their civil rights
Researches say Grindr has known about the security flaw for years, but still hasn't fixed it
Article in New England Journal of Medicine highlights therapy's potential negative effects
Judge rules that advertising companies must offer ad space to all political parties, or none at all
According to reports, Jordan Cofer was not out publicly, and his brother, Connor Betts, did not know his gender identity
Christopher Barnett also faces charges for a "hypothetical" blog post explaining how he'd carry out a mass shooting
Union Stage hosts "A Democratic Debate: An Uncensored Political Comedy Show"