Owens Cross Roads police chief says Jeff Graves "deserves a second chance"
NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the anti-gay graffiti, but has no leads
"This is an attempt to pull back a U.S. human rights vision that we've had for decades"
Anti-LGBTQ organization complains that the scene is an attempt to "desensitize" children to the LGBTQ lifestyle
Tonto Creek Camp wanted to isolate the boy in his own tent, but his foster mother refused
The Fab Five return to Kansas City, and viewers are being dared to "try not to cry"
Surveys of university students show respondents perceived American culture as more accepting of gay individuals
If successful, McBride would become America's first openly transgender state senator
Both flag burnings are being investigated as potential hate crimes, police say
Country's attorney general claims unanimous court decision was wrongly decided
The LGBTQ Victory Fund, the national organization dedicated to electing LGBTQ leaders to public office, officially endorsed Dan Baer, a former State Department official, for...
A transgender woman was arrested in a conflict stemming from her use of the women’s restroom at a Denny’s restaurant in Shelby, N.C. A man...
John Martin broke down in the pulpit and told his congregation that he'd abused a young boy
Library's founder claims he canceled the event out of concern for the "emotional and physical safety" of teens
Agents at a Texas detention center allegedly laughed as the man walked around