With Madame X, the Queen of Pop delivers her most bizarre, challenging work yet
Presidential hopefuls clash over immigration, the economy, foreign policy, and LGBTQ rights in Miami
Search giant under fire from employees for allegedly failing to implement pro-LGBTQ policies and practices
Soldiers dismissed under anti-gay policy would have their records changed to reflect honorable discharge
Consent judgment allows transgender people to change their gender marker without surgery or a court order
Amendment is modeled after President Harry Truman's 1948 order racially integrating the Armed Forces
One school fires teacher at archbishop's request, while another chooses to sever ties with the archdiocese
An increasing number of Americans support denying services based on sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and race
Former civil rights lawyer becomes first person of color to head nation's top LGBTQ organization
Prior to the repeal of DOMA, married same-sex couples were denied tax benefits that heterosexual couples enjoyed
Six out of seven nations surveyed found honor killings more acceptable than homosexuality
For the first time, Maryland’s historic Glen Echo Park will hold its first-ever LGBTQ Family Day on Sunday, June 23. The family-friendly Pride-themed event, hosted...
The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee has unanimously approved a bill designed to remedy unequal treatment that married same-sex couples were previously subjected to...
Repeating a pattern of behavior that has occurred over and over again during Donald Trump’s presidency, the U.S. Senate narrowly voted to confirm a judicial...
Anti-LGBTQ Republican lost his previous Senate race in 2017 to Democrat Doug Jones