Parents had declared "open hunting season" after Maddie used the girls' restroom at her school instead of her assigned toilet
Montreal Pride distanced itself from Del Rio's comments after she joked that St. Clair's revelation was "strategy"
Yelp reviewer said Caffe Zia Gianna's support for LGBTQ people should be "punishable as a crime"
The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission has issued new guidance that classifies instances of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as forms of sex-based...
The Ohio judge who made headlines last month when he rejected a transgender boy’s request to change his name to reflect his gender identity is...
Ainsley Earhardt was slammed on social media for using the transphobic term
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Medical and mental health professionals say the therapy poses risks to health and psychological well-being, even for adults
Jack Phillips and his lawyer claim the Colorado Civil Rights Commission is targeting him for his anti-LGBTQ beliefs
The Trump administration's outdated "Deploy or Get Out" policy puts hundreds of HIV-positive servicemembers at risk of being discharged. Sgt. Nick Harrison refuses to go...
Playwright Siegmund Fuchs looks behind the closed doors of the closeted mind
Constellation opens their Epic Love season with the lovely longing of Melancholy Play: "A Contemporary Farce"
Featuring artists and organizations, it's "like a big block party"
In honor of the Queen of Pop's 60th birthday, we round up ten of the best songs from her long, iconic career
DJ Ed Bailey picks his essential Madonna playlist for the pop icon's 60th birthday