City of 46,000 has never held a Pride event, but has a long pro-LGBTQ history
Noor Salman was accused of aiding her husband and lying to the FBI
Sean Cole thought he could make his son perform sexual acts with an adult female in order to "straighten him out"
Questions raised about the tragedy after reports Jennifer and Sarah Hart were reported to Child Protective Services
One of the worst Drag Race musical numbers ever overshadowed an otherwise fine episode
Marvia Malik delivered her first news bulletin over the weekend, becoming the country's first openly trans presenter
Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and ACLU of Ohio are suing the Buckeye State for a policy that prohibits people from changing the...
Griffin says silence from the White House sends a message that human rights abuses abroad will be condoned
Our highlights of the best in arts and entertainment in D.C. this week
C*ckBlocked developer is moving onto a new project -- one that would highlight demographics of Grindr users in a neighborhood
JR.'s, Freddie's and the Baltimore Eagle will all be handing out prizes for the most extravagant bonnets
Fascinating subject matter sustains a stiff rendition in Studio Theatre's "Translations"
Shakespeare's story is delivered with a metaphorical twinkle in the eye
Turns out, he's as big a geek as his most avid fans
From BB-8 to John Boyega, Black Panther to Pride Alley, here's everything you need to see at this year's Awesome Con