The new FX drama focuses on life in '80s NYC, including LGBTQ culture
13-year-old Cyrus Goodman will come out to his friends in the show's second season
Busch Gardens's Jeremy Wood on the perfect scare
Baby Jane, We Are the 9, Assassins, more...
U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) has sent a letter to her colleagues on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, urging them to oppose...
Arts & Entertainment Highlights for 10/26-11/1
Angelika closes is monthlong "Hitchcocktober" with one of the director's most famous works
Don Blanchon wants to ensure that Whitman-Walker Health remains a crucial lifeline to the LGBTQ community.
"Star Trek: Discovery" eschews utopia for war, while "The Orville" offers classic Trek with a comedy twist
HRC's Chad Griffin on the state of the movement
Part of the American Masters series, Buried Alive offers interviews, readings, and reenactments
Suzanne Westenhoefer has come a long way as an openly gay comic pioneer
Tig Notaro curates another weekend of laughs hosted by BYT
...and a few other pro tips from the area's finest drag queens.
'Tis the season of extremely bad dads being forced to consider the sacrifice of their cubs.