Writer-director Morgan Gould cuts deep with this edgy, funny, foul-mouthed tale of friendship.
Is the LGBTQ community overreacting to the Trump administration's actions, or are they justified in raising the alarm?
With its elaborate -- and sometimes naughty -- cakes, Scarlet's Bake Sale is the week's tastiest fundraiser
LGBTQ groups call his confirmation "distressing," "deeply disturbing" and a "travesty"
Measure would prevent defendants from using victims' LGBTQ status to justify homicide or assualt
The struggle is real...
White evangelicals are the only ones who support discriminating against LGBTQ people
South Dakota lawmakers are weighing a proposed bill that would allow agents of adoption and foster care agencies to reject qualified parents based on personal...
"Now, more than ever, it's important for African Americans to learn their HIV status"
Gaga will appear in an opener billed as "one of the most jaw-dropping moments in Drag Race history"
It came down to the vote of Mike Pence to break a tie, but Republican billionaire donor and school privatization advocate Betsy DeVos has been...
Two pro-equality bills that passed the Virginia Senate with unanimous support from Democrats and one-third of the Republican Senate caucus have been assigned to a...
The Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus has announced that its ranks have grown to 102 for the 115th Congress, which serves through January 2019. The caucus,...
The Keegan's world-premiere "Mack, Beth" struts and frets, missing the mark
Former presidential candidate and anti-LGBT minister Mike Huckabee is being criticized for cracking a joke referencing a film about murdered transgender man Brandon Teena. Huckabee...