Benedict XVI cites dissolution of so-called "gay lobby" as one of his successes in a new book
Tony Marrero was shot four times in the back and credits "Rise" with helping his recovery
Co-written with Mark Ronson, Gaga's new single is a rock-tinged "banger"
Pine also responded to George Takei's criticism of Sulu being revealed as gay
Donald Trump will share the stage at Values Voter Summit with a host of bigots and homophobes
The DC Shorts Film Festival celebrates the art of brevity.
Pink Boy, Seeking: Jack Tripper, Spoilers, Spunkle, These C*cksucking Tears, and Vessels cover almost every aspect of the queer experience
ANGELS IN AMERICA: MILLENNIUM APPROACHES Two of suburban Maryland’s leading theater companies, Round House Theatre Company and Olney Theatre Center, join forces for an unprecedented...
What started out as a neighborhood gathering is now D.C.'s longest running festival
The DC Center's Poly Discussion Group serves as a support group for those in non-traditional relationships
Mary Fahl will appear at the Hamilton with a full band and, quite possibly, her well-known gay brother-in-law
North Carolina governor releases yet another ad defending his support of HB 2 restroom law
Better cameras, water resistance, and the absence of a headphone jack are the biggest changes in Apple's flagship device
Amanda Marcotte says the oft-repeated right-wing trope is an attempt to push back against women's empowerment
Study finds women, LGBT people and minorities are significantly underrepresented in the film industry