Like all great filmmaking, 'Luise' all great filmmaking shows rather than tells, and the effect comes like the rumbling of distant thunder.
'Out of Uganda' is a world you may not want to enter, but the filmmakers have taken great effort to make you welcome in it.
If you like horror films with plenty of nudity and rough sex but very little logic or horror, 'Birder' should fit the bill nicely.
A behind-the-scenes documentary brilliantly chronicles key moments from the Philadelphia Democrat's 2022 U.S. Senate campaign.
Rarely is young LGBTQ love depicted with such quiet assuredness as in this standout international feature.
While undeniably sexy and evocative, much like the pandemic itself, 'Follow the Protocol' overstays its welcome.
Phoebe Bridgers is one of the hottest indie musicians in the world, both on her own and as one-third of the supergroup Boygenius.
"I'm not going to help you with this," said the Virginia pharmacist, as he declined to fill a hormone prescription for an intersex child.
"For the first time, I’ve written about my journey," Rebel Wilson says about her upcoming memoir, 'Rebel Rising.'
The British dating sensation 'Naked Attraction' makes bizarrely riveting TV by capturing human mating behavior at its realest.
Fernando is the first Latino with whom I've had a serious relationship, much less married.
Japanese Court sides with a transgender man who protested having to undergo sterilization to have his gender identity legally recognized.
A 4-H club asked a youth participant to create a painting, later erasing a rainbow from the design after receiving anti-LGBTQ pushback.
A fascinating premise running on just vibes and movie star charisma, the sci-fi drama 'Foe' barely registers a pulse.
An LGBTQ youth center in Spokane, Washington, was vandalized for three nights in a row, with nearby houses and businesses also targeted.