Just as they did when they sparred in 2014’s mayoral Democratic primary, Councilmember Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) and former Mayor and Councilmember Vincent Gray (D-Ward...
Civil unions bill has been heavily watered-down, but finally gives same-sex couples recognition
Family asks for donations to Washington Regional Transplant Community in lieu of flowers
"A safe sex emoji will empower to talk openly about protection."
An all-girls Catholic school in Massachusetts that was found to have discriminated against a gay cafeteria worker when it found out he was married to...
"There are numerous photos of naked young men bending over after an apparent paddling."
The singer responds to accusations that he's deliberately baiting gay fans
Dan Savage slammed Trump and those who complain about Clinton's support for marriage equality
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, in responding to requests from members of the General Assembly, issued an opinion finding that anti-LGBT discrimination could — and...
Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders (SMYAL), the local organization for LGBT youth in the D.C. Metro area, will play host to former U.S....
An alliance of businesses and trade associations is coming to the aid of a gay couple who claims that they were discriminated against by a...
The Obama administration has taken its firmest stance in favor of transgender rights after the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the state...
Tony-nominee Hamilton's national tour slated for the 2017-2018 season.
A Glasgow cyclist gives a homophobic ranter his due.
Self-outing occurs on the eve of the United Methodist Church convention in Oregon