The AIDS epidemic was the catalyst for a "hopeful" dance piece by Daniel Phoenix Singh
Trump's Fabulous and Classy Roadshow is bringing lingering racism to the surface
An alliance of pro-LGBT organizations submitted more than 75,000 email petitions to Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R), asking him to veto a religious freedom bill...
The transgender community, both across the nation and in South Dakota, is breathing a sigh of relief after Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a bill that...
Trump is the most popular among the scant Republicans on the gay social app
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation has announced it will honor LGBT civil rights attorney Tico Almeida of Freedom to Work with the 2016 Stevens...
Sam Smith dedicates Oscar win to LGBT community.
Patient appears to have been infected with a rare drug-resistant strain of HIV, rather than developing drug resistance
Cox is urging people to petition South Dakota's Republican governor to enact a veto
Tammy Truong was motivated to launch her new gay bar as a result of a desire to give back
Prominent gay columnist pens tirade against progressives demanding purity on same-sex marriage.
A transgender woman in Kansas is suing the state Department of Health and Environment over an internal policy under which they deny all requests from...
Bob Mondello talks about his life as a critic, the love of his life, and the one thing he doesn't own -- and why.
Randall Bills' singing career has its roots in musical theater
Lion Babe is a group hitting their spirited stride.