The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is warning that social conservatives and anti-LGBT advocates could be intending to push laws and policies that would legalize discrimination...
Skip the fruit baskets, go for the porn and poppers
The 2016 presidential race features an array of characters, each with their own quirks, flaws and idiosyncrasies. So when Republican front-runner Donald Trump began making...
The Department of Justice on Monday announced new guidance that is designed to help law enforcement agencies avoid gender bias when responding to sexual assault or...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens establishes new lore for the series, while also appealing to the fans.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to be embracing opposition to gay marriage as a major plank of his presidential campaign with the release of a...
UPDATE: Sacramento Kings point guard Rajon Rondo has issued a formal apology for lobbing anti-gay slurs at openly gay referee Bill Kennedy following his ejection...
The top LGBT rights organization in New York state has announced it will “wind down” operations in 2016, after 25 years of advocacy, citing fulfillment...
Mother who was separated from children after bitter break-up will be allowed visitation rights
A coalition of right-wing organizations have filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the "fix" to Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Victim was kicked and beaten by a dozen teenagers after intervening to stop a robbery
Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is slowly starting to emerge as the consensus choice among establishment figures within the socially conservative wing of the...
Coldplay's latest -- and potentially last -- album, "A Head Full of Dreams," is another forgettably pleasant record
“We’re hoping for maybe Sufjan Stevens or Jim James,” says Sofia von Trapp about potential EP producers. “You know, shoot for the stars. Why not...
Jerry Lee has turned playing Santa into an annual career