–American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, on his radio show. Fischer, in his infinite wisdom, blames the horrendous flooding in Texas on “sodomites,” agreeing with a caller who...
Ian Reisner just can’t extricate himself from the web of lies he spun in the wake of the Ted Cruz scandal. After hosting the anti-gay Republican...
In the post-Born This Way era, new LGBT pop stars spring up every day, and queer seems to be “en vogue.” Whether it be Sam...
It was a medical problem and a sister’s deep concern that first planted the idea in Sarah Cowen’s mind of carrying a baby to term...
Great movies can inspire us to interrogate social ills, or teach us a thing or two about our beliefs. Slow West (), a not-so ordinary...
Despite some last-minute legal wrangling, the Texas legislature failed to pass several anti-gay measures as of the May 27 final deadline for passing any bills that lawmakers...
Tomorrowland is a mess of a story that contradicts itself tonally, politically, and philosophically
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) on Thursday said he’ll veto a bill allowing state officials to recuse themselves from providing marriage licenses or performing...
Today, at their annual I/O developer conference, Google unveiled the next edition of their Android software. Goodbye, Lollipop, hello Android M. No sweet-themed name as...
The North Carolina legislature on Thursday approved a bill that would allow state officials to recuse themselves from providing marriage licenses or performing marriage ceremonies for...
Anti-gay American Family Association wants a DC radio station
“People are often surprised at what poetry is, or what they thought it was, or what it can be,” Regie Cabico says. Poetry is more...
HIV-infected individuals have a lower risk of developing AIDS if they start taking antiretrovirals soon after diagnosis
Last fall, Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of Adas Israel Synagogue sent an email to his congregation. He told them he was gay. (And it was good.)
A medieval yet modern and thoroughly entertaining evening at The Folger