The Texas Senate on Monday approved a measure protecting anyone who refuses to accommodate same-sex marriage from the threat of legal action. The bill is...
— Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, Republican contender for the 2016 presidency, speaking with conservative blog Caffeinated Thoughts about an impending Supreme Court ruling on...
— Actress Jane Fonda, speaking with PrideSource. Fonda currently stars in Netflix’s Grace and Frankie, in which she and Lily Tomlin learn that their husbands are...
Microsoft has a bold vision for rescuing its failing smartphone division
Anti-Gay Billboards Pop Up in Michigan
Gordon Baer’s voice cracked slightly as he addressed the packed auditorium at Luther P. Jackson Middle School in suburban Falls Church. “A hostile climate detracts...
Barnes & Noble is one of several companies facing lawsuits for allegedly discriminating against transgender people
Tour celebrates the work in preserving D.C.'s Capitol Hill neighborhood
Chen style Tai Chi can deliver profound levels of fitness, dexterity and fortitude with little impact
An exhibit at NatGeo explores Zeb Hogan's passion for freshwater giants
As anyone who knows me well can tell you, I’m not big on anniversary issues. When we hit 20 last year, well, that was a...
He's been in a Broadway hit and a Broadway flop. Now he's taking on his biggest role yet, as the iconic Emcee in Cabaret.
Having a "fireside chat" with Ted Cruz has put Ian Reisner at increasing odds with the LGBT community
–An excerpt from a nonsensical suit by Nebraska resident Sylvia Ann Driskell, in which she asks U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard to decide whether or not...