“I’d been told by people that I would never work again if I came out as transgender, which was depressing.” –Zoey Tur, special correspondent for...
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is continuing his crusade against federal court rulings striking down the state’s same-sex marriage ban.
Grim Fandango may not be the most in-depth of remasters, but it’s a genre classic definitely worth revisiting.
Gov. Rick Snyder will not appeal a federal court ruling ordering recognition of Michigan's same-sex marriages.
“I also have a good sense of humor. I will perhaps continue this joke by closing their gay club in St. Petersburg, or ban them...
LGBT advocates in Virginia breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday after the Senate narrowly passed two pro-LGBT bills, chief among them a measure to...
President Obama is seeking to ensure all legally married same-sex couples have access to Social Security benefits.
President Obama salutes gay soccer player Robbie Rogers.
Legislation that would direct the State Department to make international LGBT rights a priority of American foreign policy was reintroduced in both houses of Congress.
Mike Huckabee says being gay is a lifestyle choice similar to drinking alcohol or swearing.
Ralston Cox's Domestic Short-Hair Tabby Cats
ExxonMobil has adopted LGBT workplace protections
Things to be aware of when filing your 2014 tax return
The National Philharmonic celebrates a 10 years at Strathmore
A Virginia House of Delegates subcommittee dealt the LGBT community in the commonwealth a rare bit of good news after the eight-person panel rejected a bill...