Brother, Help Thyself Inc. (BHT), the local organization that provides yearly infusions of grant money to help support local nonprofits that deal with the LGBT...
“States in this category have marriage equality, robust LGBT non-discrimination laws, the most protections for transgender people. Many are working on innovative laws and policies...
ISIS penal code mandates death for gay people, stoning and crucifixion among punishments
A federal judge struck down Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage in a decision handed down Friday.
The Defense Secretary says he believes the military's "transgender issue will be dealt with in a fair way." But will he be the one to...
President Obama is facing pressure to take further action against the Gambia for a recently enacted anti-LGBT law.
Extremely NSFW
Thirty years ago this week, in the January 26, 1985 edition of Billboard Magazine, the Hot 100 singles chart was loaded with classic singles by...
Obama hopeful the Supreme Court will recognize there is “no good reason” to ban same-sex marriage.
A bill to prohibit the practice of conversion or “reparative” therapies that seek to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity by licensed therapists...
Apple’s larger iPhone enticed a longtime Android fan to sample its fruity wares, but left a bittersweet taste
“I referred to you using an incorrect gender pronoun. That was inaccurate and offensive, and not the way that I would conduct myself as chair of...
Mayor Bowser taps Sheila Alexander-Reid to head newly named LGBT Affairs office
This Old House's Kevin O'Connor is just one of many draws at this weekend's Home + Remodeling Show
Microsoft's take on virtual reality is awesome