Virginia teenager Gavin Grimm is receiving an outpouring of support from politicians, faith leaders, educational organizations, and school administrators as he prepares for a part of...
Juliet Evancho, Elissa Ridenour and a third student must be allowed to use facilities at Pine-Richland that match their gender identities
Hotlines that cater to members of the transgender community reported a spike in calls after the Trump administration reversed guidance from the Obama administration guaranteeing transgender students...
The Supreme Court reprimanded anti-LGBTQ groups that had submitted amicus briefs supporting the Gloucester County School Board as they attempt to defend their policy barring...
My trans daughter is "going to be segregated," says Kimberley Shappley
LGBTQ groups unleashed their spleen on the Trump administration after the Department of Justice and Department of Education sent around a “Dear Colleague” letter officially...
White House spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed that the Trump administration will walk back guidance given to school districts last year regarding the ability of transgender...
The nation’s top LGBTQ rights organization is taking a pre-emptive swipe at the Trump administration after news outlets reported that the U.S. Department of Justice...
Following the lead of several LGBTQ groups, nearly 800 parents of transgender children wrote a letter to President Trump condemning his administration’s decision not to...
Four national LGBTQ organizations have sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos pleading with the two Trump administration appointees...
Just one day after the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, the Justice Department filed a motion withdrawing its previous request for a...
LGBTQ think tank outlines the challenges that continue to face transgender students in schools
Outcome could determine whether transgender people can sue for sex discrimination
In a move likely to be repeated for other lawsuits involving transgender issues, a federal judge in Minnesota has suspended a lawsuit from a parents...
In a first-of-its-kind move, a federal appeals court has slapped down an Ohio school district that wants to force an 11-year-old transgender female student to use the...