Time Magazine has named trans teenager as one of its 30 most influential teenagers of 2016
Trans advocates hope federal judge won't grant an injunction barring "Student A" from the girls' locker room
Next date the court could announce it's taking the case is Oct. 31
Ash Whitaker's lawsuit over restroom access has many parallels to Gavin Grimm's ongoing fight in Virginia
Transgender student accused of "twerking" and making lewd comments
Order remains in effect while 3 transgender students challenge state's HB 2 law in court
But civil rights organizations note the decision isn't binding on other cases involving transgender rights
States ask for court order to stop the Obama administration from forcing schools to adopt pro-transgender policies
On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-3 to issue a temporary stay of a ruling by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that...
On Monday, a federal judge heard oral arguments on a motion seeking to stop North Carolina from enforcing its controversial HB 2 law. Appearing before...
The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused a motion from Gloucester County School Board. They demanded a stay on an April ruling, which allowed...
The Gloucester County School Board is apparently in “never say die” mode when it comes to cluttering up the courts with litigation. The board has...
Chalk up another loss for the Gloucester County School Board. A Tuesday decision by a federal appeals court should have board members squirming as they...
A pair of resolutions working their way through two red-state legislatures this week seek to condemn the Obama administration’s guidance on how schools should treat...
Obama administration guidance seeks to ensure students are treated equally according to gender identity