Virginia teenager Gavin Grimm is receiving an outpouring of support from politicians, faith leaders, educational organizations, and school administrators as he prepares for a part of...
" share core values of equality, respect and dignity for all people, regardless of their gender identity."
On Thursday, the U.S. Senate confirm renowned anti-LGBTQ neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate Ben Carson as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. It was...
Last week, a judge in Maryland found two Republican campaign operatives from Virginia guilty of violating Maryland’s state election laws by sending out an anti-LGBTQ...
Hotlines that cater to members of the transgender community reported a spike in calls after the Trump administration reversed guidance from the Obama administration guaranteeing transgender students...
Arquette said it was unfortunate that the Academy omitted her sister, particularly for trans youth watching
My trans daughter is "going to be segregated," says Kimberley Shappley
Jenner also took aim at Attorney General Jeff Sessions
LGBTQ groups unleashed their spleen on the Trump administration after the Department of Justice and Department of Education sent around a “Dear Colleague” letter officially...
Donald Trump's administration chose to attack transgender children, because apparently he has nothing better to do
Even though he signed off on yanking this year’s All-Star Game from Charlotte and moving it to New Orleans, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver wants to...
The sports community is telling the Lone Star State “not so fast” when it comes to pushing through a discriminatory “bathroom bill” that would prohibit...
Just one day after the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, the Justice Department filed a motion withdrawing its previous request for a...
Democrats in North Carolina have introduced a pair of bills to repeal the state’s anti-LGBTQ HB 2 law and institute statewide nondiscrimination protections. The latter bill...
Measure would prevent defendants from using victims' LGBTQ status to justify homicide or assualt