LGBTQ groups unleashed their spleen on the Trump administration after the Department of Justice and Department of Education sent around a “Dear Colleague” letter officially...
Donald Trump's administration chose to attack transgender children, because apparently he has nothing better to do
Even though he signed off on yanking this year’s All-Star Game from Charlotte and moving it to New Orleans, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver wants to...
The sports community is telling the Lone Star State “not so fast” when it comes to pushing through a discriminatory “bathroom bill” that would prohibit...
Just one day after the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, the Justice Department filed a motion withdrawing its previous request for a...
Democrats in North Carolina have introduced a pair of bills to repeal the state’s anti-LGBTQ HB 2 law and institute statewide nondiscrimination protections. The latter bill...
Measure would prevent defendants from using victims' LGBTQ status to justify homicide or assualt
LGBTQ think tank outlines the challenges that continue to face transgender students in schools
Former presidential candidate and anti-LGBT minister Mike Huckabee is being criticized for cracking a joke referencing a film about murdered transgender man Brandon Teena. Huckabee...
Joe Maldonado can become a Cub Scout again after change in gender policy
Dear President Trump, You probably don’t know who I am, But I stand for everything that scares the shit out of you. My mother is...
A measure that would have instituted a North Carolina-style law prohibiting transgender people from using restrooms and changing facilities that match their gender identity was...
As the national press fixates on every action, statement, and tweet from the nation’s incoming 45th president, much of their coverage is unsurprisingly Washington-centric. Donald...
A General Laws subcommittee will consider several measures involving LGBT rights
On Tuesday evening, President Barack Obama announced he would be commuting former Army Private Chelsea Manning’s sentence for releasing classified information to the cyber-anarchist government...
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