Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s legal team is defending a “religious freedom” bill that seeks to allow discrimination against LGBT people by arguing it is Christians...
Some Virginia lawmakers seem intent on testing Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s promise to veto any anti-LGBT legislation that lands on his desk. In the past week,...
Mosaic's Charm is a stirring reminder to respect the person irrespective of her, his or their gender
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan gives the LGBT community a voice in the White House -- that could change under Trump
Apparently Southern lawmakers have learned nothing from North Carolina’s failed experiment with anti-LGBT legislation. In yet another state, a lawmaker has introduced a bill that...
A defiant Dan Patrick dismisses threats of economic consequences as toothless
LGBT advocates and allies are calling on legislative leaders within the General Assembly from both political parties to reject a bill that seeks to restrict...
Virginia lawmakers may spend their time during the 2017 legislative session debating a “bathroom bill” that would impose North Carolina-style restrictions on public sex-specific restrooms...
Danica Roem, a former journalist for the Montgomery County Sentinel and a lifelong resident of Manassas, Va., has announced she will run as a Democrat against longtime...
A member of the Latin Kings street gang made history last week when he became the first person to plead guilty to a federal hate...
In a move likely to be repeated for other lawsuits involving transgender issues, a federal judge in Minnesota has suspended a lawsuit from a parents...
The American Family Association has once again blown its stack over portrayals of LGBT people in media. Their latest target? National Geographic, for its decision to...
In a first-of-its-kind move, a federal appeals court has slapped down an Ohio school district that wants to force an 11-year-old transgender female student to use the...
"The best thing about being a girl is, now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy"
Four Massachusetts churches that were suing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over what they felt was a lack of religious protections in the state’s new transgender...